HVAC maintenance is one of the most important heating tips for minimizing your energy bills each year. The efficiency loss an HVAC system experiences due to normal use can amount to 5 percent or more. By scheduling a fall inspection, you can counteract this issue while keeping your heating costs in check. However, you don’t need to stop with your annual tune-up in your efforts to save money. Louisiana is the third highest per capita consumer of energy in the nation, but the following four heating tips can help you to do your part in reducing that statistic in 2015.

Seal Your Home’s Air Leaks

Drafts and air leaks can seriously affect your energy usage during the winter months. As your home heating system works harder to maintain your desired temperature levels in the face of cold air seeping in, the energy bills can climb. Check windows and doors before winter starts to ensure that old materials are replaced as needed. Caulk and weather stripping can deteriorate, but they’re very affordable to replace.
Your ducts can also be a serious problem if leaks exist. Leaky ducts can contribute as much as 40 percent to your heating bill. Duct inspection and sealing can be handled if you notice issues such as cold air coming through your vents when the system isn’t operating. Once your ducts are sealed, you can typically have them inspected every three to five years for cleaning and sealing needs.

Program Your Thermostat

If you don’t adjust the programming on your thermostat to reflect household activities, you could be missing out on significant savings. Setting your system back from the recommended 68-degree set-point for at least eight hours per day can save approximately 1 percent for every degree of change on your heating bills. Units are available in various configurations to address your activity patterns, including:

  • 5-2 models – use different programming patterns for work days and weekends.
  • 5-1-1 models – similar to a 5-2 model, this configuration allows you to adjust for different Saturday and Sunday activity levels.
  • All days the same – if your activities are similar throughout the week, this is an excellent choice.
  • All days different – if your schedule is atypical, you can program each day’s settings as needed.

Keep Track of Your Air Filter

A dirty filter is a huge source of energy and money waste, adding up to 15 percent to your heating usage. You should install a new filter as the weather changes so that you don’t have to worry about the issue when the first cold snap hits. In 2015, be sure to check your filter on a monthly basis to ensure that a dirty filter is replaced promptly.

Manage Humidity Levels

Inadequate humidity can make your home feel colder. The recommended relative humidity is between 30 and 50 percent, and you can maintain this more easily with a furnace humidifier if your levels are typically low. Adequate humidity levels allow you to feel warmer at cooler temperatures, making it possible to achieve more savings through reduced thermostat settings.
The professionals at Lee’s Air Conditioning Co. are available throughout the winter to assist with installing a humidifier or addressing your home performance concerns with an energy audit. Call our customer care team to schedule an appointment today.