Inside a modern kitchen
March 1, 2019

Getting your HVAC Unit Ready For Spring

After endless days of cooler temperatures, we are finally getting glimpses of spring. Spring is a time of rebirth, regrowth, rejuvenation, and renewal; however along with rejuvenation comes spring cleaning. When you start cleaning your home and preparing for the season, it’s time to give your HVAC unit seasonal maintenance. Seasonal maintenance is crucial for…Read More

Indoor Air Conditioning Cool Air
February 14, 2019

When It’s Hot and Cold: Balancing Airflow at Home

Do you ever find yourself in a room and it’s just perfect. It’s not too cold or too hot – it’s the way you like it. Yet, as soon as you walk into the kitchen, it’s freezing cold, so you go to your bedroom to grab a blanket, but somehow it feels as if you’ve…Read More

Air Conditioning Units Outside
January 10, 2019

5 Woes of Unbalanced Airflow

You keep getting phone calls from every heating and cooling company in the game, and you’re feeling overwhelmed. One has cheap prices, but you’ve heard their quality isn’t that good. The others are really great quality, but their prices just don’t fit your budget. If you hire a national brand, you’ll have to call their…Read More

Tree in the fall
December 7, 2018

Fall Heat Pump Maintentance

It’s that time of year when you need to make sure the heat in your home is up to par. No one wants to be stuck with a frigid home during the coldest months of the year! If your heater isn’t working properly, then looking into the right heating service and maintenance may be just…Read More

Window looking out at trees in the fall
October 5, 2018

5 Fall Heating Tips For Keeping A Comfortable Home

It’s fall, which means that summer has been left behind, and we’re slowly transitioning into winter. Would you want to live in a home that is as cold as it could be outside? Of course not! Check out these 5 tips to help you keep your home comfortable this fall: 1) Move Your Furniture Moving…Read More

Air conditioner remote
September 6, 2018

Make Sure Your HVAC Unit Is Running Efficiently

As we’re transitioning into fall, it’s important to make sure that your HVAC unit is running efficiently. Temperatures will be dropping soon, and you want your home to be comfortable when the weather gets chilly. But as for now, it’s still pretty warm, and your air conditioning is still necessary. In transitioning to the next…Read More

AC ducts
August 6, 2018

What Your AC Needs

It’s a sweltering hot day, and you’ve finally gotten a chance to sit down after a long day of work. Suddenly, the AC breaks down, and you’re stuck in the Louisiana heat. In Louisiana, going without AC is miserable as temperatures stay well in the 90s. The question is, how do you prevent a breakdown?…Read More

People indoors
July 6, 2018

Keep Your Indoor Air Healthy And Fresh

With the July heat mounting, you may find yourself spending more time inside. Groundbreaking advances in building science have lead to improvements in the energy efficiency of your central air conditioner; however, these advances have also lead to tight homes that trap unwanted contaminants in the living area. These contaminants cause poor indoor air quality…Read More

Multiple AC units
June 6, 2018

3 Things to Consider When Purchasing an AC Unit

When your air conditioning unit dies, it is extremely inconvenient – especially during a Louisiana summer. At Lee’s TemperaturePro, we want to ensure that, when you’re buying a new AC unit,  you get the best AC unit for your home. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of the 3 things you need to consider when…Read More

Technician connecting cables
April 18, 2018

What Does Your AC Need?

When you live around Lafayette, Louisiana, you know that the summer months are extremely warm. As temperatures rise, all you can do is seek sanctuary indoors. While necessary, running your air conditioning unit wears on the system. If you’re a Louisiana resident, your HVAC unit may need maintenance to ensure the system is running efficiently.