HVAC owners may find themselves facing challenges as fall turns to winter. Issues such as allergies, flu season arise, and individuals who do not like cold weather may become stressed during this season. However, there is no need to worry because you can use the tips and tricks in this blog to power through the current fall season and prepare for the winter ahead!

At Lee’s we hope to alleviate your worries and help you prepare for allergy issues, flu season, and cold fronts. We hope that after reading this blog, you’ll have all the tips and tricks you need to optimize your HVAC for colder weather.


Sometime during soon, take a little time to clean your HVAC. You can do it in 10 easy steps all by yourself. Not only is it free to do, but in doing so, you can also save on energy every month and extend the life of your HVAC unit. A clean HVAC is an efficient HVAC, and every bit helps towards making it efficient. DIY will also help get rid of the allergens in the air in your home, which provides you with better air quality and happier life.


Schedule an HVAC Appointment

Nothing would be worse than your HVAC unit failing in the middle of the winter. That is why we strongly encourage you to prepare now. Bringing in a professional HVAC technician to inspect your unit for any issues is the best way to prepare your system for harsh weather ahead. HVAC maintenance will optimize the performance of your HVAC unit, increasing efficiency and keeping you comfortable throughout winter.



Filters are an important part of your HVAC unit because they maintain the air in your home by catching allergens and dust. For people who suffer from allergies, it is critical to change your filters as the season changes. Not only does a new filter keep your air clean but it can save money by keeping the energy costs down. The harder your HVAC unit is working, the more energy it is using, thus the more it drives up your bill.


Invest in IAQ Products

Another way to keep the air inside of your home clean and healthy is by using an Indoor Air Quality products!

Air Purifiers 

Air purifiers can get rid of up to 99.9% of any contaminants that may be in your air. They are especially great for individuals who have bad allergies or asthma and can remove second-hand smoke, too.

UV Lamps

UV lamps eliminate bacteria and mold in your air, thus improving the quality of the air you breathe. They do this by killing the organisms that may be growing on the indoor coil of your HVAC unit. During this season, this could be very important to have in your home to keep you and your family healthy and free from sickness.


The level of humidity in your air should stay between 30 and 50 percent. In the winter it can drop to as low as 10 percent. If you notice, in the winter your skin may become drier, which means there is a lack of moisture in the air. A humidifier can keep the level of humidity to comfortable one by dispensing warm or cold mist into the air.

On the other hand, if you find that it feels damp in your home, a dehumidifier may be the right thing for you. Moisture in the air creates the perfect environment for mold and bacteria to grow. Dehumidifiers can extract the moisture in the air, preventing the mold and bacteria from growing, keeping you and your family safe and healthy.

Duct Sealing

Ducts distribute the air produced by your HVAC unit throughout your home. Some of the air distributed through the ducts may be lost due to leaks, holes, or poorly connected ducts. Ensuring that your ducts are sealed properly means getting air where it’s supposed to go, and preventing wasted energy and high utility bills.


Let Lee’s Power You For Fall!

Fall is here and the weather is changing, so make sure you and your family stay healthy and prepare for the harsh weather ahead. By following these simple tasks listed above, you can make sure you and your family stay comfortable and healthy all the while saving money! When you hire an HVAC professional for your annual check up, be sure to check their certifications and online reviews!

If you have any other questions about how to prepare, give us a call today and keep a clean peace of mind with Lee’s!